
DAY 8 Saturday 7 April 2018

So as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end and sadly our Eco-Adventure in Costa Rica is coming to an end today, but the memories will live on forever! Butch and I were up pretty early and had some time before we needed to be knocking on Joan's door for breakfast, so we decided to hike up to level 9 -- the top level of the hotel.  It was a pretty steep climb with spectacular views all along the way.  On top is the hotel's zip line starting point.  I climbed up on one of platforms and looked out over Monteverde and the valley below.  I felt like I could see forever but still couldn't see the Pacific Ocean because of the clouds.  I guess that's why they call it the cloud forest! View from the top Selfie of Butch and me Then we headed back down the hill and we were practically forced to run because the road was so steep.  Certainly a lot quicker going down than it was going up.  On the way down we saw a critter similar to one Butch had seen

DAY 7 Friday 6 April 2018

Today we explored the Monteverde Cloud Forest from the bottom and the top -- well sort of -- but read on and you'll see what I mean.  After breakfast, we went to the Reserva Biologica Bosque Nuboso for an amazing walk through the rainforest.  This reserve atop the Continental Divide, which is more than 26,000 acres, is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world.  They claim over 3,000 known species of plants including over 750 tree species and over 500 known orchid species.  There are 100 species of mammals, 400 bird species and 120 reptile and amphibian species.  6 ecological zones are represented in the area.  The foliage was thick and lush in this forest with many thick hanging vines we were tempted to swing on, moss covering many trees, plants thriving on fallen logs and tangles of stems and vines climbing up trees while ferns circled the bottom.  Here are just a few pictures I took but they certainly don't begin to show what an amazing place it is. I th

DAY 6 Thursday 5 April 2018

This morning was a free morning but there were several optional excursions available.  They included a hike to the volcano, river rafting or the one Joan, Butch and I signed up for.  It was a tour through Arenal Natura Ecological Park with a great guide named Roy.  We toured a butterfly garden, a crocodile lagoon, snake garden, frog garden, orchid garden, also saw turtles and two caimans, Sophie and Marvin.  Before we even entered the park, Roy pointed out a sloth in the tree out front.  It was a large male two toed dude, but he wasn't moving around much and it was hard to get a good look at him.  Also in the front of the park, there was an abandoned hummingbird nest with two eggs.  Roy guessed there was too much traffic in that area and people drove the mom away.  Kind of sad. Hummingbird nest and eggs The park was beautiful inside.  We especially enjoyed the butterfly garden, where Butch acquired a hitchhiker that stayed with him almost the entire time we were in that area.

DAY 5 Wednesday 4 April 2018

Today we walked across the suspension bridge to leave Sueño Azul resort.  It was such a nice place, I hated to leave, but then again, I felt that way about all the places we've been.        Joan heading across the bridge We headed south to Sarapiqui Heredia, Costa Rica to the Hacienda Pozo Azul.  We were welcomed by Don Alberto Quintana, the owner.  Don Quintana gave us a presentation on some interesting Costa Rican history and also on Pozo Azul.  Back in the 1960's only about 25% of Costa Rica was forested.  The government realized the bad path the country was on and started paying people not to cut down trees for farming.  They would find out how much the person applying to clear land expected to make off that land and they would pay them that amount to keep the forest intact and encouraged steps to restore the trees.  Now >55% of the country is forested and additional conservation efforts are ongoing.  25% of the country is protected as a national park or rese